Press release: Jail for man who violently robbed victim in Norwich home


A man who drunkenly robbed a victim in his home, threatening him with a kitchen knife, has had his sentence increased after it was referred to the Court of Appeal for being too low.

On 8 May 2017, Daniel Rushworth, 45, threatened to stab and ‘slice up’ the victim in his home with a large kitchen knife, holding it to his throat and hitting him over the head with its handle, breaking it.

Rushworth and another man, who were drunk at the time, stole the victim’s mobile phone and tablet computer before demanding he give them money. The victim agreed to take them to the bank and, on the way, fortunately managed to escape and report the offence at the police station.

In June, Rushworth was sentenced at Norwich Crown Court, where he received 2 years imprisonment suspended for 2 years. He was also required to undertake alcohol treatment and drug rehabilitation, as well as supervision. Today, after the hearing, the Court of Appeal sentenced him to 4 years 5 months immediate imprisonment.

Speaking after the hearing, Attorney General Geoffrey Cox QC MP said:

“Rushworth’s threatening and aggressive actions caused his victim both physical and emotional harm. I am satisfied that justice has now been done and seen to be done by those who have suffered at his hands.”