Press release – Independent Ethics Body: strengthening transparency and integrity in the EU

Dr Christoph Demmke, Professor of Public Management, University of Vaasa, Finland, will present “Conflict of interest policies: effectiveness and best practice in Europe“. The study analyses the effectiveness of relevant rules, policies and practices within member states regarding conflict of interest for top political appointments.

Dr Markus Frischuut, Professor, Jean Monnet Chair “EU Values & DIGitalization for our CommuNITY (DIGNITY)”, at MCI / The Entrepreneurial School, Innsbruck, Austria will follow with “Strengthening transparency and integrity in the EU institutions by setting up an independent EU ethics body“. Based on a comparison covering France, Ireland and Canada, this study proposes an ‘Independent Ethics Body’ (IEB) via a new interinstitutional agreement.

When: Thursday 19 November 2020, 14.00 – 15.20

Where: European Parliament in Brussels, Altiero Spinelli building, room 1G-3 (remote participation)


In its 2017 resolution on transparency, accountability and integrity in the EU institutions, Parliament insisted that “EU institutions must strive for the highest possible standards of transparency, accountability and integrity”. This was also addressed by EC President von der Leyen in June 2019, during the Commission election process in the European Parliament.

Find here the full agenda of the meeting and other useful documents.

You can watch the meeting live. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, journalists are strongly advised to follow it online.