Press release: Gateway under motorway

Dog walkers, cyclists and fishing enthusiasts will be able to get to a canal towpath after a new gateway was installed under the M5 Oldbury viaduct in the West Midlands.

The gate, funded by Highways England, can be used as an entry and exit point on to the nearby Birmingham Canal towpath and Spon Lane in West Bromwich.

A previous route was closed so Highways England stepped in to install the gate so people could get to the towpath again.

Highways England emergency planning officer, Frank Bird, said:

This means people will now be able to walk their dogs along the canal towpath.

Highways England is also committed to try and improve cycle access to routes that were previously not available, and this gate will allow cyclists to join and leave the towpath from Spon Lane.

The nearby area has also benefited from a litter pick and tidy-up.

Peter Mathews CMG, chair of the Canal & River Trust’s West Midlands Waterway Partnership, said:

This is great news, the canal is an important and much-loved green space for local people to escape to so it’s fantastic to see these access improvements made.

We’re also very grateful for the recent clean-up. As a charity support like this is invaluable and we’re always very keen to work with anyone that wants to help us make local canals even more special for people and wildlife.

The viaduct, between junctions 1 and 2, is currently in the process of undergoing essential repair and waterproofing work.

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