Press release: FCO expresses concern at deteriorating situation in Yemen

Call for all parties to engage in peace process to ensure humanitarian access in Yemen.

FCO Spokesperson statement:

We are deeply concerned by the risk of a serious deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Yemen. We call on all parties to ensure immediate access for commercial and humanitarian supplies to avert the threat of starvation and disease faced by millions of civilians. We call for the immediate resumption of UN flights and the reopening of Hodeidah port. The UK is the second largest donor to the UN’s Yemen Appeal, and UKaid has already provided food to almost 2m people and clean water to over 1m more. We must continue to offer this lifesaving assistance and that is why we call on all parties ensure that humanitarian workers are able to enter and exit the country and access all affected areas.

We share the concern of Saudi Arabia about the security threat posed by ballistic missiles, such as the one of 4 November. We understand the need to take action to stem the flow of sophisticated weaponry into Yemen, including the importance of effective monitoring and controls. Efforts to implement the arms embargo called for by UN Security Council Resolution 2216 must be increased by all states while ensuring that vital commercial and humanitarian supplies are able to reach vulnerable Yemeni people.

We believe that a comprehensive political solution is the only way to end the conflict and bring real stability to Yemen. We call on all parties to engage with the peace process.