Press release – European mayors to gather in Parliament to discuss climate-neutral cities


European Parliament President David Sassoli will open the 2020 Covenant of Mayors ceremony in the Parliament’s hemicycle with a speech at 14.00, and at 16.00 Executive Vice-President of the Commission Frans Timmermans will hold a Citizen’s Dialogue with participants on the Climate Pact.

The purpose of the event is to exchange views on how different cities and towns are dealing with climate change and how to scale up their efforts.

Speakers also include Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, mayors and representatives from Lisbon, Warsaw, Barcelona and Stockholm as well as the President of the European Committee of the Regions, Apostolos Tzitzikostas.

The mayors will also attend a morning session at the European Committee of the Regions. See more in the event programme.

You can follow the Covenant of Mayors 2020 Ceremony here and the European Climate Pact Citizen’s Dialogue here.


The Covenant of Mayors is a European initiative that connects more than 10.000 towns and cities, in Europe and beyond, that are committed to reducing CO2 emissions and increasing their resilience to climate change. It was launched in Europe in 2008.

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