Press release – EP Today


EP President Sassoli will open the 5-8 October plenary session in Brussels at 17.00.

You can follow all debates and votes of the session live on EbS+ or webstreaming.

Find further information on the plenary sitting in our newsletter.

Long-term budget and respect of Rule of law

In a debate from around 17.45, MEPs are set to remind member states that Parliament will only agree to a long-term budget if there is a strong mechanism that allows for EU funding to be reduced or suspended if a member state disrespects the rule of law.

A press conference by the EP’s negotiating team for the next MFF and Own Resources reform is scheduled for 16.30. You are invited to come to Parliament’s “Anna Politkovskaya” EP press conference room or follow live on EbS+ or webstreaming.

You can follow the debate live on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+


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Comprehensive European values mechanism / Situation in Bulgaria

Right after the opening of the session, MEPs will debate the proposal for an objective EU-wide set of preventive and corrective tools to protect and strengthen democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights. The vote on the final text will take place on Wednesday.

In the early evening, MEPs will also discuss the situation of the rule of law and fundamental rights in Bulgaria. A resolution will be put to the vote on Thursday.

You can follow the debates live on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

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In brief

Women on Boards. In a debate in the evening, MEPs are set to reiterate their demand to move forward on the ‘‘Women on boards’’ Directive, which sought to address gender inequality on boards of companies listed on stock exchanges. The directive has been blocked in the Council for years.

Top up European Youth Guarantee. MEPs are likely to call on the EU to set more money aside to offer young people training or a job, in times of soaring youth unemployment, in the last debate on Monday evening. A resolution will be put to the vote on Thursday.

Crowdfunding. In a first round of votes, Parliament is set to approve the deal struck with the Council on common rules for crowdfunding services to function smoothly in the internal market and to foster cross-border business funding in the EU.


Votes start at 19.15 and last until 20.30, with results announced Tuesday morning at 9.00.

MEPs, will vote, among other things, on amendments on

  • the directive on Markets in financial instruments (second reading, final result Tuesday morning)

  • on the regulation on crowdfunding service providers (second reading, final result Tuesday morning).