Press release – EP Today


There will be live coverage of debates and votes on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

For detailed information on the session, please see our newsletter.

All information regarding plenary, including speakers’ lists, can be found here.

President Sassoli to address EU summit at 13.00 / Press conference at 14.30

EP President David Sassoli will address heads of state or government at the EU summit at 13.00, where he will deliver Parliament’s position on the EU’s coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic, on EU-US relations, Turkey, the single market and digital transformation. A press conference is scheduled at 14.30. See more info here.

Digital Green Certificate: Parliament to decide on fast-track approval

At 11.00, MEPs will decide whether to accelerate the approval of the Digital Green Certificate under the Parliament’s urgent procedure, to facilitate its adoption before the summer. The result of the vote will be announced at 14.30.

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Parliament prepared to take legal action to protect the budget

MEPs will vote on a resolution warning they will take the Commission to court if it fails to protect the EU’s budget and values. The draft resolution underlines the importance of protecting the NextGenerationEU recovery fund and safeguarding the EU’s values. It stresses that the rules must be applied and “cannot be subject to the adoption of guidelines”, which the Commission has stated it is preparing. The result of the vote will be announced at 19.00


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In brief

European Strategy for data/General Data Protection Regulation. The EU should tap into increasing volumes of data as a source of growth and innovation, according to a report on a “European Strategy for data” to be debated from around 9.30. Parliament will also discuss and vote on the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), two years after it has taken effect. Voting results for both resolutions will be announced at 19.00.

Enlargement. From around 11.00, MEPs will discuss and vote on reforms required of Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia to advance their progress to possible future EU membership. After the announcement of the vote results on the amendments, the rapporteurs will hold press conferences, at 13.30 (Albania and North Macedonia) and 17.00 (Kosovo and Serbia).

Malta. At 14.30, MEPs will exchange views with the Commission on the Rule of law in Malta. They will discuss the latest developments regarding the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia that highlighted organised crime, corruption and a lack of media freedom in Malta.


The first voting session lasts from 11:00 – 12.15, with results announced at 14.30.

Among other things, MEPs will vote on requests for urgent procedure for the Digital Green Certificate.

The second voting session lasts from 16:30 to 17:45, with results announced at 19.00.

MEPs will cast their final votes on, among other things,

  • Rule of Law mechanism
  • Own Resources
  • Impact on fisheries of marine litter
  • EU-Africa Strategy
  • Sustainable Tourism
  • European Strategy for Data
  • Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation
  • Progress reports on Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia
  • Guidelines for the 2022 Budget
  • Implementation of Air Quality Directives
  • Capital Markets Recovery Package.

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