Press briefing on plenary session at 15.30
Parliament’s and political groups’ spokespersons will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 15.30. More information here. LINK
There will be live coverage of debates and votes on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.
All information regarding plenary, including speakers’ lists, can be found here.
David Sassoli, Ursula von der Leyen, Jacinda Ardern and Kamala Harris to mark International Women’s Day Celebration
EP President Sassoli, Commission President von der Leyen, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern and US Vice-President Kamala Harris (the two latter via pre-recorded video message) will address MEPs during Parliament’s International Women’s Day celebration at 17.00.
At 11.00, Women’s Rights Committee Chair Evelyn Regner (S&D, Austria) will be live on Facebook to answer citizens’ questions about the current state of play on gender equality in the EU, and at 12.00, she will have a live Instagram exchange with Polish top model and activist Anja Rubik.
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Opening of the session
EP President David Sassoli will open the plenary session at around 17.30, after the International Women’s Day Celebration.
Carbon levy to raise global climate ambition
At around 17.30, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Gentiloni how to raise global climate ambition and prevent EU production from being moved to non-EU countries that have less strict greenhouse gas emissions rules (‘carbon leakage’). A carbon levy would be placed on imports of certain goods from outside the EU, if they come from countries that are not climate ambitious enough. The vote will take place on Wednesday.
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Hold companies accountable for the harm they cause to people and planet
MEPs are expected to call for binding EU rules that set the standard for responsible business conduct and hold companies accountable and liable when they harm – or contribute to harming – human rights, the environment and good governance, in a debate with Commissioner Reynders from around 18.45. The vote will take place on Wednesday.
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In brief:
Better cooperation between national authorities on taxation of digital trading. MEPs will comment, from around 18.15, on new EU rules requiring member states to automatically exchange information on income generated by sellers on digital platforms. The vote will take place on Wednesday.
Equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Parliament will discuss a report calling for better workplace facilities and equal working conditions for persons with disabilities. The vote is scheduled for Wednesday.
Between 18.30 and 19.45, MEPs will vote on, among other things
- the request to waive the immunity of Carles Puigdemont i Casamajó, Antoni Comín i Oliveres, Clara Ponsatí Obiols, Valter Flego and Nuno Melo.
The results will be announced on Tuesday morning at 9.00.
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