Press release – EP Today

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All information regarding plenary, including speakers’ lists, can be found here.

COVID-19 vaccines

In a debate at 08.30 with Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides, MEPs are likely to reiterate the need for more clarity and transparency regarding vaccine contracts, authorisation, availability and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines. They are also expected to ask for additional information on the present status of the EU vaccines strategy for COVID-19, launched by the Commission in June 2020.

(+32) 470 95 17 07

Detention of Alexei Navalny

At 15.00, Parliament will comment on the detention of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny in a debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell. Mr Navalny was detained on Sunday upon his return to Russia, after having spent several months in Germany recovering from being poisoned. A resolution will be put to the vote on Thursday.

(+32) 470 88 29 42
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Foreign Policy/Human rights/Venezuela

MEPs will assess the EU’s common foreign, security and defence policies with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell, calling on the EU to champion a rules-based international order. They will also debate with him the situation of human rights and democracy in the world in 2019 and the undemocratic elections for the Venezuelan National Assembly. The votes on foreign policy and human rights in 2019 will take place on Wednesday; a resolution on Venezuela will be put to the vote on Thursday.

(+32) 470 88 29 42
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(+32) 470 96 08 19
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(+32) 470 88 08 77

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In brief

Refugees and migrants at the EU’s external borders. The difficulties member states face in managing migration into EU territory will be the focus of a debate with Council and Commission from around 11.00.

EU-wide transport network. Parliament will discuss the state of play in developing the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) of railways, roads, waterways and shipping routes from around 10.00. A resolution will be put to the vote on Wednesday.


The first voting session lasts from 13.00 to 14.15, with results announced at 19.00.

MEPs will take a final vote on provisional agreements on:

  • Establishing a Technical Support Instrument
  • Stronger EU powers in trade disputes
  • Orderly termination of benchmarks in the financial markets sector.

They will vote on amendments on, among other things,

  • Guidelines for use of Artificial Intelligence in military and civil sectors
  • Strengthening the single market
  • Revision of the Trans-European Transport Network guidelines
  • EU arrest warrant.

The second voting session lasts from 20.00 to 21.15, with results announced on Wednesday morning at 8.30.

MEPs will vote on amendments on

  • Common Foreign and Security Policy
  • Common Security and Defence Policy
  • Human Rights and Democracy in the world in 2019.