Press release – EP Today

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For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

All information regarding plenary, including speakers’ lists, can be found here.

Summit, long-term budget and rule of law mechanism

From 8.45, MEPs will assess the results of the 10-11 December EU summit, with special focus on the EU long-term budget 2021-2027 (MFF), the rule of law conditionality and own resources. Speakers are also set to comment on the other topics on the summit’s agenda, such as climate change, coordination of COVID-19 measures or relations with Turkey.

The final votes on the MFF regulation and on the Interinstitutional Agreement (incl. the Own Resources calendar) will take place at 12.45, and the results will be announced at 18:00.

Since no amendments have been tabled to the agreed text, the Rule of Law regulation will be announced as adopted at the end of the debate, at around 12.15.

In the evening, EP-President Sassoli and the German Council Presidency will sign the respective laws.

The final vote on a resolution on the three topics takes place at 20:00, with results announced the next morning at 8.45.

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Belarus opposition to be awarded Sakharov Prize

At 12.15, the democratic opposition in Belarus, represented by several laureates including opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, will be awarded the 2020 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. EP President Sassoli, Ms Tsikhanouskaya and fellow laureate Veranika Tsapkala will hold a press conference immediately after the award ceremony at around 12.40. More info here.

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COVID-19 vaccines

In a debate at 15:00, MEPs will present their views on an EU strategy for COVID-19 vaccinations that addresses challenges inside and outside the EU. They are expected to call for coordinated efforts to ensure universal access to safe vaccines across Europe once EU market authorisation has been granted priority for the most vulnerable, as well as for the EU to facilitate equal access to vaccines across the world.

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In brief

Beethoven 250th anniversary celebration. At 8.30, before the start of the debates, President Sassoli will make a short speech marking the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven, whose ‘Ode to Joy’ was adopted as the European anthem. This will be followed by a video recording of the ‘Ode to Joy’ played by musicians from the Oxalys chamber music ensemble of Brussels.

Security Union. From around 16:00, MEPs will discuss the overall EU strategy on security issues as well as the new EU Counter-Terrorism Agenda.


The first voting session lasts from 12.45-14.00, with results announced at 18.00.

MEPs will cast their final vote on

  • the regulation on the EU long-term budget 2021-2027
  • the Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline, cooperation in budgetary matters, sound financial management and new own resources
  • a new strategy for SMEs.

They will vote on amendments on:

  • a resolution on MFF, Rule of Law Conditionality and Own Resources
  • the European Citizens’ Initiative “Minority Safepack”, promoting diversity
  • a report to better align companies’ financial interests with their long-term impact on society and the environment.

The second voting session lasts from 20:00-21.15, with results announced at 8:45 on Thursday.

MEPs will cast their final votes on

  • the resolution on the MFF, Rule of Law Conditionality and Own Resources
  • the implementation of the Dublin III Regulation and the Return Directive.

They will vote on amendments on resolutions on

  • the implementation of EU water legislation
  • an EU Security Union Strategy
  • the need for a dedicated Council configuration on gender equality.