Press release – EP Today


Anti-racism protests/George Floyd. MEPs will start the plenary session at 15.15 with a debate on the anti-racism protests following the death of George Floyd. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will take the floor for a statement on behalf of the Commission. A resolution will be adopted on Friday (results to be announced at 13.30). Follow the debate live on EP MMC and EbS+.


(+32) 498 98 39 85

Summit/MFF/Recovery plan/EU-UK partnership. Ahead of the 19 June EU meeting of heads of state or government, MEPs will convey their stance on future EU financing and economic recovery as well as on EU-UK negotiations on a future partnership. The joint debate with Commission President von der Leyen, Commission VP Šefčovič and EU Chief Negotiator Barnier starts at around 16.00. Follow the debate live on EP MMC and EbS+.


(+32) 498 98 13 45

(+32) 470 88 29 42

Conference on the Future of Europe. In a debate with Commission VP Šuica starting at 19.00, MEPs are set to call for the Conference to start as soon as possible after the summer and to take on board the challenges exposed by the pandemic. A resolution will be adopted on Thursday (results at 14.15). Follow the debate live on EP MMC and EbS+.


(+32) 470 96 47 35

Strategic industries. Parliament will discuss with Commission Executive VP Vestager and Commissioner Hogan, from around 19.45, plans to protect European strategic industries from foreign takeovers, in the wake of the economic crisis provoked by the pandemic. Follow the debate live on EP MMC and EbS+.

Baptiste CHATAIN
(+32) 498 98 13 37

Transport and Tourism. Parliament will discuss with Commissioner Vălean the dire situation facing tourism businesses all across Europe, from around 20.30. A resolution will be adopted on Friday (results at 13.30). Follow the debate live on EP MMC and EbS+.

(+32) 498 98 33 29


The first voting session starts today at 16.30. MEPs will vote, inter alia, on the first batch of amendments on the resolution of the future EU-UK relations. First results will be announced at 20.15.

The second voting session starts at 20.30, where MEPs will vote, among other things, on amendments to the resolution on the Conference on the Future of Europe and on mobilising the EU Solidarity Fund to help Portugal, Spain, Italy and Austria. Partial results will be announced on Thursday morning at 9.00.

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