Press release: Dangerous driver who caused fatal crash but didn’t stop at the scene has his sentence increased

A dangerous driver who caused the death of a man in Tooting by careless driving has had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, appealed it as too low.

Anthony Howell hit Adinajib Awale on the junction of Tooting Bec Road and Dr Johnson Avenue on 2 May 2015. Despite his car suffering damage because of the collision, Mr Howell did not stop at the scene. Instead, after returning home, Howell called the police for a crime reference number for insurance purposes. He said that the damage had been caused by someone throwing something at his car.

Howell was originally sentenced to 10 months’ imprisonment suspended for 2 years at Kingston Crown Court. Today, following action from the Solicitor General, the Court of Appeal increased Howell’s sentence to 16 months, to be served immediately.

Speaking after the hearing, the Solicitor General said:

“Anthony Howell’s actions are inexcusable; to cause a fatal collision because of careless driving is atrocious and to fail stop at the scene to help the victim was disgraceful. No sentence can bring back Mr Awale but I hope that the increase will bring his family some comfort.”