Press release: Court of Appeal increases the sentence for duo who blew up cash machines

The Court of Appeal has today increased the sentences of 2 men from Sale, Manchester following a referral under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme.

Mark Marfleet, 37, and Paul Warmisham, 35, were sentenced at Manchester Crown Court for a number of offences including conspiracy to steal and conspiracy to cause explosions.

Between June 2015 and September 2015 the pair stole two cash machines and attempted to steal another, using explosives to blow the front of the machine to access the money inside.

A woman and her four-year-old son who were living in the flat above one of the cash machines had to be rescued through an upstairs window after the blast damaged their home and filled the property with smoke.

The financial loss and damage caused to property totalled to about £138,000.

Whilst on bail for these offences, Marfleet also robbed a newsagents with another man who remains unidentified. The two men were armed and during the robbery doused the shopkeeper in petrol and threatened to set him alight.

Marfleet was sentenced to 11 and a half years imprisonment, whilst Warmisham received a 7 and a half year custodial sentence.

Following a referral to the Court of Appeal by the Solicitor General Robert Buckland QC MP, the sentences for both offenders were found to be unduly lenient. The judge then increased Marfleet and Warmisham’s sentences’ to 18 years and 13 years respectively.

Following the hearing, the Solicitor General said:

“The actions of these offenders showed a serious lack of consideration for the safety of those around them. The long lasting effects on the victim and her young son cannot be underestimated.

“I am pleased that the Court of Appeal has agreed that the original sentence was unduly lenient and has sought to increase the sentences given to these offenders.”