Press release: Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to South Sudan

2012 – 2016 Kampala, High Commissioner 2011 – 2012 Washington, HM Consul General and Counsellor Corporate Services USA (Temporary Duty) 2011 Jakarta, Deputy Head of Mission (Temporary Duty) 2008 – 2010 Ministry of Justice, Principal Private Secretary to the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice 2006 – 2008 UK Permanent Representation to the European Union Brussels, Political Counsellor 2003 – 2006 Harare, Deputy Head of Mission 2000 – 2003 Stockholm, First Secretary Head of Political/Economic Section 1996 – 2000 UK Permanent Mission to the United Nations New York, First Secretary (Economic and Social) 1995 – 1996 FCO, Head of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova Section, Eastern Department 1994 – 1995 FCO, Head of Russia External/Commonwealth of Independent States Section, Eastern Department 1992 – 1994 FCO, Desk Officer for Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) implementation, CFSP Unit 1989 – 1992 Warsaw, Third (then Second) Secretary Chancery 1987 – 1989 FCO, Assistant Desk Officer, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, East Africa Department 1987 Joined FCO

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