Press release: Change of Governor of the Falkland Islands

2016 – present Ministry of Defence (MOD), UK Permanent Representation to the European Union, Brussels, Deputy Military Representative 2014 – 2016 MOD, Head, Russian Strategic Studies/Wider Europe Policy 2013 – 2014 Member of Royal College of Defence Studies 2012 – 2013 Language training (Russian), Defence Academy 2010 – 2012 Warsaw, British Embassy, Defence Attaché 2007 – 2009 Defence College Communications Information Systems, Deputy Commandant and Garrison Commander 2003 – 2007 Stockholm, British Embassy, Defence Attaché 2001 – 2003 Defence Communications Services Agency, Senior Staff Officer Communication Operations Planning 2000 – 2001 Defence Academy, Advanced Command and Staff Course, Student 1984 – 2000 Member of the Royal Air Force (RAF), various appointments