Press release by Commission President Juncker at the joint press conference with the Heads of State or Government attending the preparatory meeting for the G-20

Thank you Angela.

This morning we had a good discussion even though some of us arrived late because we were caught in the Berlin rain.

We talked very intensively about trade issues; that is important for G20. I reported on the progress we have made in the negotiations with Japan and with Canada. There are still a few sticking points. I have therefore sent the European Agriculture Commissioner and the Trade Commissioner to Japan so that these discussions can be concluded before the summit between the European Union and Japan on 6 July. The trade agreement with Japan, if it materialises, is important. And I am assuming that it will materialise. It will fully comply with all European rules, requirements and standards.

We are in the process of getting the free trade agreement with Canada into a shape in which it can come into force on a provisional basis. Again, there are still a few problems that we will be solving over the next few days.

We listened closely to the Italian Prime Minister’s report on the refugee situation. I would like to say here that as far as the Commission is concerned we have for a long time taken the view that neither Italy nor Greece can be left on their own. And the Commission will be there to support what I would call the heroic efforts made by Italy to meet this challenge. Italy will not be on its own.