Press release: Biscathorpe residents meet regulators of oil and gas industry

Communities in and around Biscathorpe are being invited to learn more about how the oil and gas industry is regulated.

The public information session for the proposed exploratory oil well in Biscathorpe is being held at Donington on Bain village hall, from 1pm until 8pm on Wednesday 18 July.

Local people will be able to meet with the authorities responsible for ensuring that oil and gas operations are carried out in a way that protects people and the environment.

Regulators attending the event include the Environment Agency, Lincolnshire County Council, Public Health England, the Health and Safety Executive, and the Oil and Gas Authority.

The event comes after Egdon Resources received environmental permits and planning permission to carry out drilling in search for oil at Biscathorpe, near Louth.

A spokesperson for the Environment Agency said:

The UK is recognised globally as a leading example for oil and gas industry regulation. We have some of the strictest controls in the world, as well as some of the toughest penalties and safeguards.

We regulate a huge number of industrial sites across England, and have decades of expertise in the assessment and mitigation of environmental risk, as well as the protection of local communities and their environment. We’d welcome the opportunity to speak with anyone who wants to find out more.