Press release: Apply for hedgerows, boundaries, and woodland management plan grants online
From 1 March 2017 applicants for the hedgerows and boundaries and woodland management plan grants can apply online.
Applicants can apply through the Rural Payments service. The online service allows those applying to log on at a time that suits them to submit applications for the hedgerows and boundaries grant or the woodland management plan grant. Applications can be saved and returned at the applicant’s convenience. The online service ensures only eligible fields are included. Instant confirmation is provided once an applicant submits an application.
Customers who already apply for Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) online should find submitting an online application familiar and the service easy to use. Last year 80% of BPS applicants took advantage of applying online.
The woodland management plan grant is open all year round for applications. This year the hedgerow and boundaries grant opened on 1 February and closes on 28 April.
Support is available from Natural England via the Rural Payments helpline on 03000 200 301.
Whilst applicants are encouraged to use the online service, paper applications will still be accepted for the hedgerows and boundaries grant and the woodland management plan grant.
The online service will be extended in spring 2017, when customers will have the option to submit their Countryside Stewardship annual revenue and capital claims.
For enquiries (media only) contact: Mary Tomlinson, Senior Press Officer, Natural England. Email: Telephone: 07771 834 975.