President Trump Issues Executive Order on Reviving the National Space Council


On Friday, President Donald J. Trump issued an Executive Order to revive the National Space Council.

President Trump Reinstates National Space Council

President George H.W. Bush established the National Space Council in 1989. The Council was tasked with advising and assisting the President regarding national space policy and strategy. The Council ceased operation in 1993. This Executive Order revives the Council and will reinvigorate America’s role as a leader in space, strengthen America’s economy, and advance the security of the American people.

President Trump Reinstates National Space Council

Vice President Mike Pence introduced the President before the signing of the Executive Order. As the Chairman of the National Space Council, the Vice President will play an indispensable role in crafting America’s space policy.

Vice President Pence makes remarks

The Vice President said that he was honored and enthusiastic to act as Chairman of the Council. He stated that the Administration’s commitment to space exploration will “strengthen the American spirit” and inspire the American people to “blaze new trails into the unknown”.

Watch President Trump and Vice President Pence’s remarks below.