Presentation of letters of credentials to the President of the European Council Charles Michel
The President of the European Council Charles Michel received the letters of credentials of the following Ambassadors:
H.E. Mr Ambassador, Pablo Ariel GRINSPUN, Ambassador, Head of Mission of the Argentine Republic to the European Union;
H.E. Mr Gholamhossein DEHGHANI, Ambassador, Head of Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the European Union;
H.E. Mr Santosh JHA, Ambassador, Head of Mission of the Republic of India to the European Union;
H.E. Mr Kristján Andri STEFÁNSSON, Ambassador, Head of Mission of Iceland to the European Union;
H.E. Mr Jestas Abuok NYAMANGA, Ambassador, Head of Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the European Union;
H.E. Mr Alhassane IDE, Ambassador, Head of Mission of the Republic of Niger to the European Union