The President of the European Council Charles Michel received the letters of credentials of the following Ambassadors:
H.E. Mr Ambassador, Pablo Ariel GRINSPUN, Ambassador, Head of Mission of the Argentine Republic to the European Union;
H.E. Mr Gholamhossein DEHGHANI, Ambassador, Head of Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the European Union;
H.E. Mr Santosh JHA, Ambassador, Head of Mission of the Republic of India to the European Union;
H.E. Mr Kristján Andri STEFÁNSSON, Ambassador, Head of Mission of Iceland to the European Union;
H.E. Mr Jestas Abuok NYAMANGA, Ambassador, Head of Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the European Union;
H.E. Mr Alhassane IDE, Ambassador, Head of Mission of the Republic of Niger to the European Union
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