Pothole repairs – Hillside Drive #dundeewestend

Further to my recent update about residents’ concerns about a poor quality of pothole repair in Dunmore Gardens, I have also had similar complaints in Hillside Drive.

I raised this with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and have been advised :

‘Similar to Dunmore Gardens, the repairs were inspected and I note that these pothole repairs do not have a film of bond coat painted on the existing road surface prior to filling which will affect the long term adhesion and therefore durability, and I will take this matter up internally.
DCC Actionable Pothole Definition: “A surfacing defect will become actionable when it is greater than 300mm in diameter, the leading edge of a raised or depressed vertical face is proud of the immediately adjacent surfacing by 20mm on footways and 40mm on carriageways.”
The material specified for use in carriageway pothole repairs is chosen to suit a depth of 40mm, or greater.  By trying to carry out a repair to a defect of insufficient depth the material sits proud and fretts at the edges as the aggregate within the material cannot fit in the depression once compacted.  If we use smaller aggregate then there is insufficient strength in the material to resist expected vehicular loading.  
Hillside Drive, Place and the east/west leg of Hillside Road , when assessed in comparison to other adopted residential streets throughout the city, are in fair condition and therefore a proposed timescale for resurfacing in year 2020/21 is in my opinion reasonable.  I can advise that there are 215 streets which have been prioritised in advance of these streets.’

Again, I feel that the poor road condition here warrants earlier resurfacing and I will continue to press this matter with the council.