Possible development sites in Wokingham Borough
In the long run up to the next local plan for Wokingham various landowners and developers will try to promote certain areas where they have an interest as future development sites. The Council has the job of identifying sites that are compatible with their environmental, transport, planning and public service policies, and including the appropriate ones in the draft local plan. This draft document will then be subject to consultation and assessment before it can become a finalised local plan.
I understand the wish of some in the local community to set out opposition to particular sites being pushed by landowners or builders at an early stage in the process. The best thing to do is to write in with objections to the use of such sites to the Council planning department or to the local Councillors in the affected ward, so these can be taken into account during the early process of sifting possible sites for inclusion. Any site for housebuilding needs to take into account a range of factors including the impact on local road network, access to public transport, impact on land drainage, danger of erosion of green gaps between settlements or areas of special landscape interest or good quality farmland, strains placed on local health and education services and general environmental impact.