Polluted environments kill 1.7 million children each year, UN health agency reports


6 March 2017 – Unhealthy environments are responsible for one-quarter of young child deaths, according to two new reports from the United Nations health agency, which reviewed the threats from pollutants such as second-hand smoke, UV radiation, unsafe water and e-waste.

According to the latest information, polluted environments take the lives of 1.7 million children under the age of five.

&#8220A polluted environment is a deadly one &#8211 particularly for young children,&#8221 said Margaret Chan, Director-General of the UN World Health Organization (WHO). &#8220Their developing organs and immune systems, and smaller bodies and airways, make them especially vulnerable to dirty air and water.&#8221

In one of the two reports, Inheriting a Sustainable World: Atlas on Children’s Health and the Environment , WHO announced that many of the common causes of death among children aged between one month and five years of age are preventable with safe water and clear cooking fuels. These include diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia.

The main pollutant is in the air, resulting in 570,000 deaths each year among children under five years old. Air pollution can stunt brain development and reduce lung function and trigger asthma. In the longer-term, exposure to air pollution can increase the child’s risk of contracting heart disease, a stroke or cancer.

To counter such exposure, WHO recommends reducing air pollution, improving safe water and sanitation, and protecting pregnant women and building safer environments, among other actions described in Don’t pollute my future! The impact of the environment on children’s health .

&#8220Investing in the removal of environmental risks to health, such as improving water quality or using cleaner fuels, will result in massive health benefits,&#8221 said Maria Neira, WHO Director, Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health.

One of the emerging environmental threats to children is electronic and electrical waste, according to the second WHO report. Appliances such as old mobile phones that are improperly recycled &#8220expose children to toxins which can lead to reduced intelligence, attention deficit, lung damage, and cancer,&#8221 the UN agency reported.

At the current rate, the amount of such waste is expected to increase by 19 per cent between 2014 and 2018, up to 50 million metric tonnes.

The reports also point out harmful chemicals that work themselves through the food chain &#8211 such as fluoride, lead and mercury, as well as the impact that climate change and UV rays have on children’s development.

AUDIO: If you smoke, burn fossil fuels like coal or drive a vehicle, chances are, you’re polluting the air and harming the health of those around you, the World Health Organization (WHO) is warning.Credit: UN News

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