Police’s response to media enquiries

     In response to media enquiries regarding protestors scattering unknown powder at police officers, the Police spokesperson today (July 1) replied as follows:
     A group of violent protestors stormed the Legislative Council Complex by mills barriers, iron poles and miscellaneous objects this afternoon, leaving the complex facilities seriously damaged. During the period, some protestors scattered unknown powder at police officers at scene, causing some of them to feel unwell.   Initial inspection by the Fire Services Department confirmed the unknown powder is slightly toxic and prolonged contact will lead to swollen and sensitive skin.  Large amount of water is required to cleanse and decontaminate the substance.
     Feeling unwell, two police officers were sent to hospital after getting in touch with the powder at the Legislative Council Complex.  They were discharged after treatment and decontamination.
     Police severely condemn the protesters who used harmful powder to attack police officers. Police will conduct comprehensive investigation and follow up the case in stringent manner.