Police’s response to CA’s decision on complaints against “Pentaprism”

     A Police spokesman said today (April 21) that Police had taken note of the press release issued by the Communications Authority (CA) yesterday (April 20) covering its decision regarding complaints against an episode of the Radio Television Hong Kong TV programme “Pentaprism” broadcast on November 20, 2019.
     According to the findings of the CA, the host’s remarks made in the programme was irresponsible, and could be regarded as a hate speech with the effect of inciting hatred against the Police, unfair to and were capable of adversely affecting the reputation of the Police.  The CA took the view that the complaints in respect of accuracy, incitement of hatred, fairness and factual content of personal view programme were substantiated and decided that RTHK should be seriously warned.
     The Police spokesman welcomed CA’s decision.  Since the anti-extradition protests in June last year, rumours have been circulating to defame and smear the Force, with an attempt to disrupt Police-community relations.  Police expressed strong condemnation against it. The spokesman stressed that Police are willing to accept criticisms which are constructive and based on goodwill. However, Police absolutely do not accept inaccurate or misleading reports and remarks, and will follow up as appropriate.