Police welcome Court’s judgement on HKJA’s judicial review
Police welcome the judgement made by the Court of First Instance today (December 21) which dismissed the judicial review (JR) lodged by the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA).
It was pointed out in the court judgement that in carrying out its duty to facilitate lawful journalistic activities, Police have to strike a fair balance with its statutory duties under Section 10 of Police Force Ordinance (Chapter 232).
It further elaborated by explaining that although Police have a duty to ensure journalists’ safety and to ensure their reasonable access and uninhibited reporting "first-hand", Police must have regard to other considerations such as the Police’s duty to maintain law and order, the lawfulness of the conduct of the protestors and journalists, whether any violence was used, and if so the degree of violence used, by the protestors, and all other relevant circumstances on the ground.
A Police spokesman said: "Police all along respect press freedom and journalists’ right of reporting. We also understand the need of journalists to report and film at scene. Without compromising operational efficiency, Police will continue to facilitate journalists’ reporting work, including the deployment of Force Media Liaison Cadre to co-ordinate at scene. Police will also continue its communication with the media industry with a view to enabling both sides to perform their respective functions."