Police temporarily close off roads in Causeway Bay as crowds gathering and chanting in the area

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:
Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     At around 1pm today (July 1), a group of people were gathering and chanting along East Point Road in Causeway Bay. Police officers at scene issued repeated warnings to the crowd, clearly stating that the activity they were engaging in might constitute offences related to unauthorised assembly in accordance with the Public Order Ordinance. However, the crowd refused to leave the scene, which prompted Police to take law enforcement action. In order to maintain public order at scene, Police have temporarily closed off Paterson Street, East Point Road and Great George Street, prohibiting members of the public from entering.
     Police request the crowd to stop gathering and leave immediately. Members of the public should refrain from taking part in such activities. Police will take resolute law enforcement action including making arrests.