Police severely condemn massive violent protests

     Massive violent protests again broke out in multiple districts in Hong Kong yesterday (October 6). Police express severe condemnation against rioters.
     Some people earlier called on protestors on the Internet to participate in unlawful assemblies at multiple locations on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon yesterday. Without complying with the law by notifying the Police, a large number of protestors gathered illegally in various locations including Causeway Bay, Central, Admiralty, Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok, Kowloon Tong and Sham Shui Po starting from around 2pm yesterday.
     Rioters continued to set fire, block roads and vandalise facilities extensively in various districts. They set up barricades, set fire to miscellaneous objects and dug up bricks from the pavements to block major roads. In Wan Chai, protestor suspectedly drove away a drilling vehicle from a construction site without authority and attempted to drill carriageways. Rioters also endangered public safety, hurling petrol bombs at police officers and a reporter was hit by petrol bomb. Moreover, rioters vandalised banks, MTR station facilities and shops. Their acts were completely lawless.
     Since the situation deteriorated rapidly, Police conducted dispersal operation with appropriate force, including tear gases, rubber bullets and bean bag rounds. The specialised crowd management vehicles were also deployed to stop the violent acts of the protestors.
     Some rioters took the law into their own hands by beating up bystanders, overstepping the bottom line of any civilized society. At around 5pm, a taxi driver was pulled out from his vehicle after a traffic accident at the junction of Cheung Sha Wan Road and Yen Chow Street in Sham Shui Po. Severely battered by some rioters, the taxi driver lied on the ground unconsciously and was covered in blood. Later on, a large group of rioters attacked a man and left him unconscious near Nathan Road in Mong Kok. A woman was also beaten up by some rioters in Mong Kok and suffered head injuries suspectedly due to taking photos of rioters’ acts of vandalism.
     Since June, radical protestors have been repeatedly organising unlawful activities. Their violent acts are spreading and escalating drastically, including the use of fatal violence to attack Police officers. Public safety has been jeopardised and the public order of the whole city is being pushed to the verge of a very dangerous situation. Police reiterate that no violent behavior will be tolerated. Police will continue to take resolute enforcement action so as to safeguard the city’s public safety and bring all lawbreakers to justice. Police appeal to the public to report illegal acts and join hands to maintain public order.