Police respect press freedom and their right of reporting

     In response to the public procession organised by the media sector today (July 14), a Police spokesperson replied as follows:

     Police all along respect press freedom and their right of reporting. Police also understand the need of the media to film Police’s operations. Police have been maintaining communication with media organisations so that both sides could have mutual understanding on their work. There would not be any change in this area of work.

     Since December 2015, Force Media Liaison Cadre (FMLC) was established under a volunteer basis and as a secondary duty. FMLC serve as a bridge between the Police and the media to facilitate the work of both sides as far as practicable under the condition that the effectiveness of Police’s operation will not be compromised. FMLC endeavour to assist both sides in discharging their work smoothly. Since its establishment, FMLC has fully fulfilled their co-ordination duties.

     In addition, Police have added elements in various levels of training to enable police officers understand the work of the media.

     Starting from June this year, a large number of public events were held at various locations in Hong Kong. Although most of them were conducted in an orderly manner, a large group of radical protestors violently charged Police cordon line and attacked Police officers shortly after the public events concluded. The scene turned into a very chaotic and dangerous situation. Media practitioners shall take care of their personal safety and avoid being in danger.

     The above situation is unprecedented. There is room for improvement in the coordination work between Police and the media. In the future, Police would enhance communication with the media and relevant training for Police officers.

     Regarding some cases in which media practitioners alleged to be treated unreasonably during reporting, Police would take appropriate follow up actions.