Police New Territories North Region holds anti-illegal debt collection publicity campaign (with photos)

     Police New Territories North Region Crime Prevention Office held a publicity campaign to combat illegal debt collection activities.

     In the first eight months of 2020, New Territories North Region recorded a total of 396 illegal debt collection-related cases, representing an increase of 32 per cent when comparing with the 299 cases in the same period of last year. Most cases occurred at public housing estates, involving nuisance behaviour such as splashing red paint, posting intimidation dunning notes and arson.

     In view of the situation, New Territories North Region initiated a prevention and education campaign in September to remind the public of the consequences of illegal borrowing through online publicity. It also provided training to frontline security personnel of housing estates to raise their awareness of illegal debt collection activities. Police will continue to conduct intelligence-led operations in October curbing loan sharking and illegal debt collection activities.

     Police appeal to members of public not to borrow money from illegal financial companies, and should report to the Police immediately when they come across illegal debt collection activities.

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