Police dispersal operation in Admiralty and Wan Chai

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:
Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     Radical protestors today (September 29) have blocked carriageways and committed destructive acts extensively in Admiralty and Wan Chai. The protestors confronted police at Admiralty Road and Hennessey Road. Some radical protestors vandalised facilities at Wan Chai MTR Station and hurled petrol bombs at Police officers. Another group of protestors started fires at Admiralty Road near Admiralty MTR Station, posing a serious threat to the safety of everyone at scene.
     After repeated warnings to the radical protestors went futile, police officers have deployed tear gas in multiple locations in Admiralty and Wan Chai in view of the situation, using appropriate force to disperse radical protestors.
     Police appeal to everyone at scene to leave immediately. Members of the public are advised to avoid travelling to the areas concerned. Police condemn all violent acts by the radical protestors.