Police dispersal action in Tsim Sha Tsui

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:
Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     Since November 11, rioters have been gathering in the vicinity of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, unlawfully blocking and damaging harbour crossing facilities and paralysing traffic in the district.
     Last night (November 16), a large number of rioters continued to wreak havoc to the area and charged towards Granville Road where they set fire to trash and hurled numerous petrol bombs at Police officers, reporters and innocent citizens. They showed total disregard for the safety of everyone at scene. In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating, Police had no alternative but to resolutely use the minimum necessary force, including tear gas, to curb the violence.
     This morning (November 17), a large number of rioters still occupied Austin Road and Chatham Road South in Kowloon. They unlawfully blocked roads and hurled petrol bombs, posing a serious threat to public peace and public safety.
     Having given repeated warnings but in vain, Police are using the minimum necessary force, including tear gas, to effect dispersal. Police warn rioters to stop all illegal acts and leave immediately. Citizens in the area are also advised to leave immediately. Members of the public should stay tuned to the latest situation and avoid travelling to the area.