Police continue to disperse rioters in the vicinity of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Long Range Acoustic Device is a broadcasting system, not a weapon


     In the past hour, rioters continued to confront Police officers and built barricades on the footbridge at Cheong Wan Road to obstruct Police action. In the past half an hour, rioters threw tens of petrol bombs at officers.
     The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has repeatedly requested students and staff to leave the campus. Police have also repeatedly urged members of the public to leave immediately and avoid going to the area. Police officers will carry on with the dispersal operation and warn members of the public not to assist rioters in any way or they will risk committing the offence of “Taking Part in a Riot”.
     In addition, Police have deployed a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), installed on top of a Unimog, to give warnings to rioters. Using the LRAD is to convey important messages over a long range in a noisy environment. Police stress that the LRAD is a broadcasting system but not a weapon. Unlike what is said in individual media reports, the LRAD does not generate ultra-low frequency which will cause dizziness, nausea or loss of sense of direction. Police clarify that all such rumours are false. Police have strict guidelines and regulations on using the LRAD.

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