Police clarify unfounded media report

     With regard to a report of an online magazine today (February 9) which alleged that police officers attending a banquet at a restaurant in Hung Hom in the evening of February 7 as “Police and triads appear on the same occasion”, Police note that the report distorted the facts and hereby make the following clarification:
     The banquet referred to in the report was a private dinner which was held after office hours at the officers’ own expense. It did not involve official duties and public funds and the officers were not required to report duty after the dinner.  The officers attending the event that night did not know the identities of other customers in the restaurant and also did not have any contact or communication with the customers in the other rooms.
     Police express deep regret over the report which intentionally gave a perception that the event was related to lawbreakers.  The groundless accusations are ill-willed and sensational with intentions to smear the Police Force.  Police point out seriously that Police always stand against triads. Police have a full-fledged strategy in combatting triads, planning undercover operations from time to time, as well as proactively blocking the income source and criminal proceeds of triads.
     Police severely condemn the irresponsible and unfounded report of that online magazine.