Police charged 45 persons following illegal assembly in Western District


     An illegal assembly was held in Western District on Hong Kong Island on July 28, during which the protestors blocking roads along Connaught Road West and Des Voeux Road West near Western Street.  They set up roadblocks by umbrellas, wooden planks, bamboo sticks and railings; pried up pavement bricks, demolished roadside fences, damaged street signs and lampposts as well as attacked Police officers at scene with lethal weapons such as bricks and sharpened iron rods.

     Although Police have repeatedly warned the protestors who charged the police cordon lines to leave immediately and that they were participating in an illegal assembly, the protestors refused to leave and continue to perform various peace-breaching acts and attacked Police officers. After repeated warnings were ignored, Police took dispersal action at about 7 pm to restore social order.

     During the operation, Police arrested 49 persons comprising 32 men and 17 women, aged between 16 and 41.  The case has been followed by Crime Headquarters of Hong Kong Island.

     After investigation and seeking legal advice, Police charged 44 persons for rioting. Among them, a 33-year-old man was also charged with assaulting police officer. Separately, a 24-year-old man was charged with possession of offensive weapons. All of them will appear in the Eastern Magistrates' Court tomorrow (July 31).
     The remaining two men were released on bail pending further investigation, while another two persons were temporarily released.

     Police stressed that active investigation is underway and will not rule out the possibility of further arrest.

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