Police appeal to all staying in Hong Kong Polytechnic University to leave in a peaceful manner

     As there are still some rioters remaining on campus of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Police today (November 24) appeal to all those who remain to leave in a peaceful manner. Police have all along emphasised two fundamental principles: “peaceful solution” and “flexibility”.
     In response to those in need, Police have arranged medics and clinical psychologists to provide assistance on campus.
     For those under 18 years old, Police will arrange an appropriate adult to accompany them when they leave the campus, without arresting them. They are required to be photographed and have their personal particulars registered. Police reserve every right to pursue or take any legal actions in the future.
     In order to re-open the campus as soon as practicable, Police appeal to all staying in the campus to leave in a peaceful manner and pledge to bring offenders to justice in a fair manner.