PM should stop pandering to the ‘no deal’ enthusiasts in her own party – Starmer

Keir Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Brexit Secretary, speaking ahead of today’s debate on the Government’s amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill about exit day, said:

“This is a desperate gimmick from the Prime Minister. It’s about party management not the national interest.

“There’s no dispute that Britain will leave the European Union in March 2019. Labour voted to trigger Article 50 and we did so knowing that we would leave the EU within two years. That means Britain leaving the European Council and no longer having Members of the European Parliament.

“As our election manifesto made clear, Labour accepts and respects the referendum result and we will fight for a Brexit deal that puts jobs and the economy first, and maintains rights and protections.

“That’s why we want to see time-limited transitional arrangements on the same basic terms as we have now after we leave the EU to avoid a cliff-edge Brexit, including the single market and a customs union during that period.

“The Government’s amendments to their own Bill would stand in the way of an orderly transition and increase the chance of Britain crashing out of Europe without an agreement.

“Theresa May should stop pandering to the ‘no deal’ enthusiasts in her own party and withdraw these amendments. If not, Labour will vote against them to support our own amendments and guarantee a transition that protects jobs and living standards.”