PM call with President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani: 17 June 2021


Press release

Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to the President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, this afternoon.

The Prime Minister spoke to the President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, this afternoon.

The leaders paid tribute to the thousands of British, Afghan and NATO forces who have served in Afghanistan over the last decade.

The Prime Minister underlined the UK’s commitment to supporting Afghanistan to achieve a stable and democratic future following the withdrawal of NATO troops. He said the UK would use the full spectrum of our diplomatic, development and defence work to achieve this.

He also gave President Ghani his personal support and the leaders resolved to continue to work together going forward to counter the terrorist threat in Afghanistan.

The Prime Minister said the UK would continue to support a negotiated political settlement as the best path to peace in Afghanistan.

Published 17 June 2021

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