PM call with President Macron: 22 February 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron.

The Prime Minister spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron this afternoon about the chilling developments in Ukraine last night.

The Prime Minister updated President Macron on the new sanctions he unveiled against Russia today, and the leaders agreed they needed to continue to work in lockstep to target Russian individuals and entities bankrolling President Putin’s aggressive approach.

The Prime Minister said that President Putin’s actions were a gross violation of international law, and by sending forces into Eastern Ukraine he had ripped up the Budapest and Minsk agreements.

Russia’s actions don’t just threaten Ukraine’s sovereignty, but are a blatant attack on freedom and democracy, the leaders agreed.

The pair reiterated that together, the UK and France were working to reinforce Europe’s borders and defend European security against increasing Russian aggression.

Both agreed to stay in close contact and speak again in the coming days.

Published 22 February 2022