Persons wanted for alleged contravention of the Hong Kong National Security Law


     The National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force today (July 3) said that earlier the court had approved to issue arrest warrants regarding eight persons who have absconded overseas and allegedly contravened the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the Hong Kong National Security Law) and the persons at large are wanted by the Police.

     A total of eight persons, namely male Yam Kevin, male Yuan Gong-yi, female Kwok Fung-yee, male Kwok Wing-hang, male Hui Chi-fung, male Mung Siu-tat, male Lau Cho-dik and male Law Kwun-chung, who have fled overseas, are alleged to have continued to commit offences under the Hong Kong National Security Law that seriously endanger national security, including “incitement to secession “, “subversion”, “incitement to subversion ” and “collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security “. Thus, the Police applied to the court for the arrest warrants in accordance with the law and put the persons on the wanted list. (See Annex for the legal basis and basic facts for putting the persons on the wanted list)

     Given the great importance which the Police attach to the cases concerned, a reward of $1 million dollars in respect of each wanted person is being offered by the Police to any member of the public who can provide information on the wanted persons and the related crimes.

     The police spokesman pointed out that “Endangering national security is a very serious offence. This kind of acts or activities may lead to extremely serious consequences.  According to Article 37 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the Hong Kong National Security Law applies to a person who is a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the Region) or an incorporated or unincorporated body such as a company or an organisation which is set up in the Region if the person or the body commits an offence under the Hong Kong National Security Law outside the Region. Besides, according to Article 38 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the Hong Kong National Security Law also applies to offences under the Hong Kong National Security Law committed against the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from outside the Region by a person who is not a permanent resident of the Region. Thus, Hong Kong Police Force has the responsibility to pursue the legal liabilities of the persons who are alleged to have committed an offence under the Hong Kong National Security Law outside the Region in accordance with the law.â€�

     The Police also pointed out that no matter in what ways, including through the internet, it is illegal for any person to aid, abet or provide pecuniary or other financial assistance or property to other persons for committing offences which endanger national security, contravening the Hong Kong National Security Law. The Police urge members of the public to abide by the law and the Police will strictly enforce the law.

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