PCA publishes new factsheet on Code rights for those renewing a pub agreement

News story

Our latest factsheet helps those who are renewing a pub agreement with a regulated pub company to understand their Code rights

Business agreement

The new factsheet explains the Pub Company’s Code duties when a tenant is renewing their pub agreement. This guide will help to clarify which duties apply depending on whether the tenant is renewing under the Landlord and Tenant Act or the terms in their tenancy.

It also reminds tenants about their right to request a Market Rent Only (MRO) option at renewal. For more information about MRO see our factsheet.

Information about pub companies’ duties when a tenant takes on a new agreement is covered in a separate factsheet.

If you have any queries about your rights as a renewing tenant, speak to your Code Compliance Officer or contact the PCA team at office@pubscodeadjudicator.gov.uk.

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Published 26 November 2021