Partial lunar eclipse in Hong Kong on October 29

     A partial lunar eclipse will occur in Hong Kong in the small hours of October 29 (Sunday). The elevation of the moon will be rather low during the eclipse. If weather permits, the event can be directly observed with unaided eyes at places with an unobstructed view to the west.
     The lunar eclipse will begin at 1.59am on that day, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 4.14am. This partial lunar eclipse only has an umbral magnitude of around 0.13, meaning that about 13 per cent of the moon's diameter will enter the umbra (total shadow) of the earth at the maximum eclipse. Details of this partial lunar eclipse are as follows:

Date Time Phenomenon Elevation Direction (Azimuth)
October 28 (Saturday) 5.25pm Moonrise -1 degree East-northeast
(78 degrees)
October 29 (Sunday) 1.59am Moon enters penumbra 60 degrees West-southwest
(258 degrees)
3.35am Moon enters umbra 39 degrees West
(270 degrees)
4.14am Maximum eclipse 30 degrees West
(274 degrees)
4.54am Moon exits umbra 21 degrees West
(277 degrees)
6.29am Moon exits penumbra 1 degree West-northwest
(285 degrees)

     In the small hours on October 29, members of the public can watch the whole event via a webcast to be jointly hosted by the Hong Kong Observatory, the Hong Kong Space Museum, the Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre (sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen), Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College and the Creative Education Unit of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
     For the latest weather conditions and the astronomical observation conditions on October 29, please refer to the Hong Kong Observatory's latest weather forecast and the Weather Information for Astronomical Observation webpage.
     The next lunar eclipse observable in Hong Kong will be a total lunar eclipse on September 7, 2025.