Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital announces a case of deceased patient

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (PYNEH) made the following announcement today (‪September 5) following a meeting with family members of a deceased patient:
     A 33-year-old male patient with diabetes and mental retardation was admitted to PYNEH on August 26 due to pneumonia, fever and cough.
     In the evening of August 27, ward staff noticed that the patient repeatedly climbed in and out of his bed. Staff approached the patient to understand his needs and reminded him of the risk of falls. As the patient did not respond well to the advice, and with the consideration that he was not very coordinated, upper limb holders were applied as an interim safety measures after the ward staff contacted the patient's family member. The patient was calm and cooperative at that time.
     â€ªAt around 1.15am the next day, patient became confused, agitated and started banging against the bed rail. Ward staff decided to change the limb holders to safety vest. As per normal circumstances, security team's assistance was sought.
     â€ªThe patient struggled vigorously during the exchange to a safety vest, and was subsequently noticed to become quiet and have increased shortness of breath with signs of upper airway obstruction. All physical restraints were released at once and resuscitation commenced. The patient's family member was informed of patient's condition immediately. It was noted during resuscitation that the patient's tongue was swollen and blood was found in his mouth. The patient later developed cardiac arrest requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation and was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit ‪at 3.20am. His condition continued to deteriorate and succumbed at 3.50pm on August 29. The case has been referred to the Coroner.
     The hospital is very concerned about the incident and met the patient's family last night (September 4) to provide an explanation on clinical management, and to address any of their concerns. The hospital agreed with the family that staff could have communicated more closely with the family to update them on the patient's condition and arrangement in the ward, especially when visiting arrangement has been suspended under the Emergency Response Level. PYNEH will keep close contact with the family to provide them with the necessary support. The case has been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System. The hospital has set up a Root Cause Analysis Panel to look into the incident and propose recommendations.