Packaging company creates 250 jobs in Wrexham

Economy Secretary, Ken Skates has announced that Hotpack Ltd has completed on the purchase of property and land at the Llay Industrial Estate in Wrexham with a view to creating 250 manufacturing and warehouse jobs on the site over the next 3 to 5years. 

After 22 years of expansion in the middle east, the Hotpack management team had been looking for a suitable location to manufacture in Europe. The company’s decision to locate to North Wales follows months of support and advice from the Welsh Government as well as a £1.5m loan provided through the Development Bank. The loan is the first in North Wales to come from the Welsh Government’s £100 million Wales Flexible Investment Fund.

The company has praised the support it received from Welsh Government and the Development Bank which helped it to select Wales as a base ahead of stiff competition from Slovakia and other European countries. 

Hotpack’s location in North Wales is expected to bring £50m of inward investment to the region. 

Economy Secretary, Ken Skates said: 

“I am delighted that following a period of close working between Welsh Government and Hotpack Ltd, and £1.5m of support through the Development Bank, the company has made the decision to move to Wrexham. 

“With a business plan that expects to deliver 250 jobs over the next 3 years, I am confident that Hotpack’s move here will bring genuine benefits to the local economy and community, and I  look forward to visiting when the new facility is up and running.

“This is an example of exactly what can be achieved when businesses are given access to the right advice support. Last month I was pleased to launch the Development Bank of Wales, which will provide us with a competitive edge over the rest of the UK.   I am confident this will ensure we enjoy even more success in boosting job opportunities in communities right across Wales.”

Hotpack Packaging Global Managing Director, Mr Abdul Jebbar said: 

“From our very first visit to region, the people of Wales and in particular Wrexham, offered us an exceptional levels of support, both personally and commercially. 

“We were particularly impressed to by the assistance of Economy Secretary, Ken Skates and Rural Affairs Secretary, Lesley Griffiths, other local politicians  and Wrexham Council. The Welsh Government’s business support team have worked closely with us throughout our fact finding visits. Having now completed on the site purchase, we have already commenced the site factory & development and we took forward to a long and mutually prosperous relationship with the people and businesses of Wales.

North Wales Regional Manager, Rhodri Evans of the Development Bank of Wales said:

“It is great news the first company in North Wales to benefit from the Wales Flexible Investment Fund is one with the potential of major job growth in the area. Working with Welsh Government, we have been able to provide the finance to help attract an expanding business to Wales and choose Wrexham as the location for its first UK base.”

Hotpack will be sharing the site with Sharp who are already located there.