Over 3 400 vacancies on offer at Job Fair for Middle-aged and Elderly Employment

     The Labour Department (LD) will hold the Job Fair for Middle-aged and Elderly Employment at MacPherson Stadium in Mong Kok on November 25 and 26. Many full-time and part-time job vacancies suitable for more mature job seekers will be on offer.
     A total of 62 organisations will participate in the two-day job fair and offer over 3 400 vacancies. Thirty-one organisations will set up booths and conduct recruitment activities on the spot each day. The vacancies cover a wide variety of positions including cinema/estate customer service officer, construction site testing technician, health worker, personal care worker, shop assistant, catering industry manager, clerk, security guard, driver, storekeeper, technician, cook, baker, packer and hospital contract operation assistant.
     Around 80 per cent of the vacancies are full-time jobs. Most vacancies offer monthly salaries ranging from $11,000 to $19,000. Over 98 per cent of the vacancies require a Secondary Six education level or below. Around 70 per cent are open to job seekers without relevant work experience.
     Job seekers can submit job applications during the event and may be selected for on-the-spot interviews. They can also make enquiries on the employment services provided by the LD at its counter inside the venue.
     The job fair will be held from 11am to 5.30pm at 1/F, MacPherson Stadium, 38 Nelson Street, Mong Kok (near Exit E2 of Mong Kok MTR Station). Admission is free, with the final admission time at 5pm each day. Appropriate infection control and crowd control measures taking into account the latest epidemic developments and the number of visitors will be implemented at the venue. All visitors are required to scan the venue QR code using the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application, or complete a personal particulars form. 
     More information on the event and the job vacancies can be found at the LD's Interactive Employment Service at www.jobs.gov.hk.