Over £1m to promote Welsh seafood at home and overseas post-Brexit

Speaking ahead of a debate on Brexit and fisheries in the Senedd, the Cabinet Secretary confirmed financial support from Welsh Government and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund for the Seafood Market Development Project over the next four years.

The project, which has been developed as a partnership between Menter a Busnes and Seafish, will develop the market development of locally caught and processed seafood from Wales. 

It will also assist seafood businesses to define a clear seafood value, understand market needs, increase marketing expertise within the sector and encourage vessels to attain Responsible Fishing Scheme standard.

The project will engage with vessels and businesses from right across the Welsh seafood sector.  During the lifetime of the project, it is expected to support and engage with 60 businesses.

In September, the project will host a Trade Mission to Hong Kong to showcase the best of Welsh seafood at the Seafood Expo Asia 2018. 

The new project builds on the recently announced package of financial support for the fishery industry through the Welsh Government’s EU transition fund.  Through the fund, the fishing and aquaculture industries will receive financial support over the next two years to help the sectors find new markets and prepare for future trading outside the EU.

Cabinet Secretary said:  

“Brexit presents both challenges and opportunities for our fishery industry.  As a Government, we will do all we can to support the industry prepare for these challenges and help them adapt to a post-Brexit world.

“I am delighted to announce over £1m will be invested in the Seafood Market Development Project over the next four years to help market Welsh seafood domestically and internationally.  It will provide vitally needed support for the sector as the UK prepares to leave the European Union.

“This builds on the funding recently announced by the First Minister for the sector through our EU transition Fund. We want to make sure that sector has a strong and sustainable future and this funding will help identify trading gaps to ensure the industry thrives once we have left the EU.”