Our Armed Forces & their families deserve the very best support, it’s time for the Government to treat them with the respect that they deserve – Nia Griffith

Griffith MP, Labour’s Shadow Defence Secretary,
responding to the Armed Forces’ Pay Review Body 2017 Report, said:

report highlights the serious effect that changes to pay and conditions are
having on our Armed Forces. According to the report’s authors, rent rises and
changes to tax and benefits have created a “perfect storm” that is putting real
pressure on service personnel and their families. 

have known for some time that Conservative cuts to our Armed Forces have had a
crippling effect on morale, but this report issues the stark warning that these
pressures must be dealt with, otherwise there will be a widespread effect on
recruitment and retention, which could in turn threaten operational

is clear from this report that personnel feel overlooked in favour of
cost-cutting by the MoD. Our Armed Forces and their families deserve the very
best support, it’s time for the Government to treat them with the respect that
they deserve.”