Orange the world – Vilnius lights the way for change


On 23 November, EIGE marks the beginning of the annual awareness-raising campaign ‘Orange the World’ to end violence against women and girls. As many other famous buildings and monuments around the world, the EU House in Vilnius will be lit up in orange – a colour that symbolises hope in a world free from violence. 

If you agree that there should be no place for violence against women anywhere, wear orange and join us on 23 November, at 17:00, in Kudirkos Square, Vilnius. We have organised a group photo and a concert by Vaidas Baumila, EIGE’s ‘White Ribbon Ambassador’ and a well-known Lithuanian singer. 

It is important that we all work together and put an end to violence. By promising to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women, we can bring change.

The President’s Palace, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French Embassy and the White Bridge in Vilnius will also be lit in orange in support of the campaign.

See our Facebook event for more details.

#16days #OrangetheWorld