Getting things done – Ninewells Avenue #dundeewestend

A resident recently contacted me to highlight that :

“After the upgrade of pavements in Ninewells Avenue, dog bins have been removed and not replaced. 

We had one foot of Ninewells and one at Perth Road before the roundabout, both are no longer there.”

I have therefore asked the City Council to replace these.

Lochee Park wildflower project #dundeewestend

Residents will have read recently about projects to create wildflower meadows in various parks across the city.

One of these is to be at Lochee Park and I asked the City Council for clarification about what is proposed here.

The council’s greenspace team leader has advised me as follows :

“At Lochee Park the area of biodiversity grassland will have yellow rattle seed sown into the existing grassland. 

This will help to reduce the vigour of the grass and encourage wildflowers to establish naturally. 

This project is currently being implemented as the Yellow Rattle needs several days of frost to germinate successfully.

Christmas Tree recycling

The City Council is encouraging householders to recycle their tree and not place it out with the general waste collection for uplift.

‘Real’ trees are recyclable and can be shredded to produce Discovery Compost.

Residents are asked to remove all tinsel and decorations and any pots or stands.

Artificial trees are made from a combination of materials and therefore cannot be recycled.

To request the uplift of your Christmas tree from your property go to

Getting things done – Marchfield Road #dundeewestend

Residents recently highlighted to me that there were potholes on Marchfield Road – a particularly bad one at the bottom of the street but the road condition is also poor near the Middlebank Crescent junction.

I raised this with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and am have been assured that an Order has been made to ensure repairs are undertaken.

Happy New Year 2022!

A very Happy New Year from Cllr Fraser Macpherson, Michael Crichton and the West End Focus Team!

All the best for 2022!